Metasploit is a great framework to build all kinds of different modules on top of, here are the ones I've developed.
Contribute to rapid7/metasploit-framework development by creating an account on GitHub. print_line("Downloads remote files and directories to the local machine. dest = ::Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Extensions::Stdapi::Fs::File.basename(last). 21 May 2017 If you're operating within a Meterpreter session that is using a slow or stateless transport (such as HTTPS), and you attempt to download a large 30 Jul 2018 IT Security Training & Resources by Infosec. using any password hashes, impersonate legitimate users and download, alter or upload files. So just create a meterpreter-shell from msfvenom or something like that. Or if you want to move to a specific directory to upload or download some files. +. 29 Aug 2010 Here is an example of a search using the method described before print_line "Meterpreter Script for searching and downloading files that"
Attackers are embedding crypto-mining and Metasploit code into WAV audio files to stymie threat detection solutions, researchers have found. Stealing data with a simple Wordpress XSS vulnerability. Getting shell access, elevating privileges, dumping databases and other goodies here. hacking - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Rootkit for the Masses - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. UTD AEP Workshop Guide - 2.0-RC1-20161024.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
A variety of payloads exist, though my favorites are “mimikatz” and “met_inject”, which executes Meterpreter shellcode on a Windows target. Exiting the unicorn attack.") sys.exit() # Generate HTA launchers and index def gen_hta_attack(command): # HTA code here command = command.replace("' "\\ # generate random variable names for vba hta_rand = generate_random_string(10, 30… Information Security Services, News, Files, Tools, Exploits, Advisories and Whitepapers It is a free and open source network security tool notable for its contributions to red team collaboration allowing for shared sessions, data, and communication through a single Metasploit instance. pentesting notes. Contribute to dahavens/pen-leviathan development by creating an account on GitHub. A reduced functionality cli client for the imdisk ram disk driver. To be used through a backdoor like meterpreter - DiabloHorn/cliramdisk This repository was created and developed by Ammar Amer @cry__pto Only. Updates to this repository will continue to arrive until the number of links reaches 10000 links & 10000 pdf files .Learn Ethical Hacking and penetration testing…
THIS REPO IS Obsolete. USE Instead - rapid7/meterpreter Unicorn is a simple tool for using a PowerShell downgrade attack and inject shellcode straight into memory. Based on Matthew Graeber's powershell attacks and the powershell bypass technique presented by David Kennedy (TrustedSec) and Josh… A multi-purpose meterpreter executable (inline, many transports, msfpayload) - SherifEldeeb/inmet Download Mpge for free. Mpge. Mpge is a wrapper of meterpreter (msfconsole, msfpayload and msfencode) of Metasploit Framework directly integrated with Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and with OS X Mavericks 10.9. Through this article, you can learn how an attacker would able to generate an SSL certificate for any exe or bat file payloads so that he might be able to establish a connection with the host through the meterpreter session. msf exploit(handler) > [*] Sending stage (957487 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2017-05-29 21:39:40 -0400 msf exploit(handler) > msf exploit(handler) > msf exploit(handler…
Unicorn is a simple tool for using a PowerShell downgrade attack and inject shellcode straight into memory. Based on Matthew Graeber's powershell attacks and the powershell bypass technique presented by David Kennedy (TrustedSec) and Josh…